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Lesson Plan: Communication

Unit: Relationships & You - Duration: 40 mins - 4 hr 10 mins

Updated over 2 months ago


Students will be able to…

  1. Identify verbal, nonverbal, and written communication and provide examples of each.

  2. Demonstrate active listening behaviors.

  3. Interpret nonverbal communication cues.


Materials & Resources:

Physical Space:

  • Index cards or scraps of paper

  • A marker

  • Word processing application

  • One of the student-led activities requires students to practice non-verbal communication. This activity can be completed at home but if done at school, will need some quiet space for each student.

  • One activity has students working in groups playing a charades-style game. The room should be set up so students can work together.

  • The classroom setup should be left to the teacher's discretion, providing ample space for easy movement while monitoring student progress. A designated area should be established for one-on-one time between the teacher and students to connect and reflect on the lesson.


Select the activities that align with your time frame and class needs.

  1. Introduction (3 minutes):

Communication is an important part of our lives, especially when it comes to creating, maintaining, and growing relationships with our friends, families, and the people around us.

Communication isn’t just about what we say either - it’s how we listen, what we say with our bodies, and what we write.

In this lesson, you’ll learn about all of these types of communication and have time to practice so you feel ready to build great connections in your life.

  1. Student Independent Learning (21 minutes):

Students complete the “Communication Basics” and “Talk It Out” badges.

  1. Teacher-led Activity: Public Speaking Practice (150 minutes)

Lead students through an activity to prepare and deliver a speech/presentation on a topic they know well. Students get to practice public speaking techniques including how to appropriately use their voice.

See teacher resources.

  1. Student Independent Learning (15 minutes):

Students complete the “Beyond the Words” badge.

  1. Student-led Activity: Body Language Practice (20 minutes)

Students practice their body language by completing 5 different scenarios. They say a short line with specific facial expressions, gestures, and postures while observing their body language in a mirror.

  1. Teacher-led Activity Emotion Charades (30 minutes)

In small groups, students act out an emotion while the rest of their group tries to guess the emotion. This game continues until all students have had the chance to practice their non-verbal communication. It ends with a class reflection.

See teacher resources.

  1. Student Independent Learning (14 minutes):

Students complete the “Master the Message” badge.

  1. Student-led Activity: Write an Email (20 minutes)

Students are presented with two examples where they must draft emails: one to a teacher and another to a community member. Students get to practice important parts of an email message including subject lines, greetings, and body content.

  1. Reinforce Learning – Closure (5 minutes):

Summarize key takeaways from the activities and discussion.

Encourage your students to continue being aware of their communication and working on weaknesses related to this subject.


Student Learning Needs:

  • Strategies for students who need additional support: Offer one-on-one short check-ins. This allows them to ask questions, get clarification on difficult concepts, and receive individualized guidance, helping them stay on track and feel more connected in the online environment.

Learning Preferences:

  • The specific types of communication in this lesson don’t lend themselves to differentiation. However, students can continue their own learning through different materials/modalities that they prefer.


Evaluate Student Understanding:

  • Badges with assessments:

    • Talk It Out ⭐⭐

    • Beyond the Words ⭐⭐

    • Master the Message ⭐⭐⭐

  • Public Speaking Practice

    • Students can be assessed on how they present their speech however, this activity is more about practicing the skills than demonstrating proficiency. As such, no rubric has been provided.

  • Body Language Practice

    • This is another practice activity for students. Their answer to reflection questions can give you insight into how the activity was completed.

  • Emotion Charades

    • Students can be assessed on their participation in the activity and their responses to the reflection questions.

  • Write an Email

    • This activity is more effective if you work with students on specific improvements they can make to their work, rather than just a number score. If you elect to evaluate students on their responses, you can use the provided rubric.

Anticipated Challenges and Solutions:

  • Communication can be difficult for some students. Creating a positive classroom environment where students feel safe to test, explore, and try new things goes a long way with lessons like these. Facilitating a growth mindset is another technique that can help students be more comfortable, even when things are difficult.


Real-World Connections:

Current Event

Scholarly Article



Skill Development & Higher-Order Thinking:

Active Listening


Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Skills

General Writing


Public Speaking

Social Awareness

Social Competence

Speech & Language

Explore Library:


  • Active Listening

  • Communication

  • Listening

  • Public Speaking

  • Speech & Language


  • Connector

  • Educator

  • Humanitarian

  • Leader


  • Audience

  • Community

  • Guide


Badge Title: Communication Basics

This badge dives into the world of communication, breaking down its different forms and emphasizing its crucial role in connecting with others. From the power of words to the silent language of body language, it explores how we express ourselves and build relationships. It also highlights the importance of written communication, especially in today's digital age. By understanding these different aspects of communication, we can enhance our interactions and strengthen our connections with others.

Badge Title: Talk It Out

Verbal communication is a cornerstone of the communication toolbox. Speaking and listening are hugely important to creating, maintaining, and growing important relationships in our lives. This badge takes a look at keys to speaking and explores what active listening is and the impact it can have on our communication and the people we interact with.

Badge Title: Beyond the Words

We don’t just communicate with our words. Our eyes and bodies play a huge role in our communication. Students explore non-verbal communication like facial expression, gestures, posture, and eye contact in this badge.

Badge Title: Master the Message

Written communication is the last portion of communication covered in this lesson. This badge explores different types of written communication and how they can be used. Students also learn about crafting a clear and concise message tailored to a specific audience. Because as we know, a text message to a friend will likely be very different than a professional email.


Verbal communication

Communication that uses spoken language

Non-verbal communication

Communication that uses body language, facial expressions, and gestures

Active listening

A technique of listening carefully and attentively to what someone is saying


Expressing something in a clear and brief way


The way you hold your body


To restate something in different words


Ongoing professional learning and reflection related specifically to this lesson.

What went well?

What were the areas of opportunity or challenges? (e.g., difficulties with vocabulary, pacing, etc)

What are your own strengths with communication? Weaknesses?

Did this answer your question?