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Lesson 2: Student-led Activity

The Journey

Updated over a month ago

Lesson Title: Lesson 2: The Funnel

Starter Kit WHY + HOW to begin living the life you want + being the person you want to be.

Curriculum & Grade Level: Future Edge, 6th Grade

Materials & Resources:


  • A quiet space to think and write

  • A large piece of paper or a digital mind-mapping tool (like MindMeister, Canva, or Google Drawings)

  • Markers, colored pencils, or any digital design tools you prefer

You will explore the concept of focusing on life's journey. You’ll reflect on a personal goal and analyze the importance of the process and the steps you take to achieve it. This exercise encourages you to see value in the journey, appreciating the progress you make along the way.

Getting Started:

Read and think about this quote: “It’s about the journey, not the destination.”

Write 3–4 sentences on what you think this quote means. Why is focusing on the journey important? How does this apply to your personal goals?

State Your Goal

Write one goal you are working toward. This can be anything you’re trying to achieve or improve.


Map Your Journey

Draw a simple path that represents the steps to your goal. Mark 5 key steps or actions you need to take to reach it. These could be things you need to learn, habits you want to build, or challenges you’ll face.

  • Example steps:

  • “Practice writing every day”

  • “Ask for feedback from a teacher”

  • “Read books to improve vocabulary”

  • Write or draw each step on your journey map.

Reflect on Your Journey

For each step on your path, write 1–2 sentences about how that step will help you grow. How can you enjoy the process of each step, not just rush to the goal?

Example Reflection: Ex:“Reading books will help me improve my writing by expanding my vocabulary.”

Write your reflection for each step:

Step 1: __________________________________________________

Step 2: __________________________________________________

Step 3: __________________________________________________

Step 4: __________________________________________________

Step 5: __________________________________________________

Reminder: The steps you take to reach your goal are just as important as the goal itself. Each part of the process helps you grow!



Excellent (4)

Proficient (3)

Basic (2)

Needs Improvement (1)

Reflection on the Quote

Thoughtful and detailed explanation of the quote. Clearly explains the meaning and why the journey is important.

Clear explanation of the quote with a reasonable understanding of the importance of the journey.

Somewhat explains the quote, but may lack depth or clarity in understanding the journey’s value.

Minimal explanation of the quote with little understanding of the journey’s importance.

Goal Statement

Goal is specific, clear, and achievable. The goal is meaningful and reflects personal growth.

Goal is specific and clear, but may not be as detailed or personal.

Goal is somewhat clear, but lacks detail or is not fully personal.

Goal is vague or unclear, and does not reflect personal growth.

Journey Map

Path is clear, creative, and includes 5 meaningful steps that represent significant actions toward the goal.

Path is clear and includes at least 4 meaningful steps toward the goal.

Path is somewhat clear, but steps may lack significance or be too vague.

Path is unclear, missing steps, or steps do not contribute to the goal.

Reflection on Each Step

Each step is thoughtfully reflected on with specific details about how it contributes to growth and enjoyment.

Each step is reflected on with reasonable detail about its contribution to growth.

Some steps are reflected on, but explanations are basic or unclear.

Minimal reflection on steps with unclear or missing explanations.

Overall Completion & Effort

Completed all parts of the assignment thoughtfully with clear effort.

Completed the assignment with clear effort, but may lack some detail.

Assignment is completed, but with minimal effort or missing some parts.

Assignment is incomplete or shows little effort or thought.


  • 16–20 points: Excellent work! You’ve shown deep reflection and effort in completing this assignment.

  • 11–15 points: Good job! Your work demonstrates a good understanding, but there is room for more detail and depth.

  • 6–10 points: Needs improvement. Some parts of the assignment are unclear or underdeveloped.

  • 1–5 points: Incomplete or minimal effort. Consider revisiting the assignment to add more detail and reflection.

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