The 27-Unit Curriculum is a great Find Your Grind Curriculum for year-long and/or two-year implementations. It is probably a good choice for the following use cases:
Your students will use Find Your Grind independently for more than 30 minutes every day over the course of 1.5 years.
βYour students will use Find Your Grind every day for 15-30 minutes per day over the course of 2 years.
Your students will use Find Your Grind for 30-60 mins per week over the course of 3 years.
βIf you foresee using Find Your Grind less than this, we suggest checking out the 9, 18-unit curriculum.
Explore the full 27-unit curriculum using the download below or find it under your 'The Journey STARTS HERE' anytime you create a 27-Unit Class.