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Lesson 1: Teacher-led Activity

Lifestyle Reflection

Updated over 2 months ago

Lesson Title: Lesson 1: Welcome to Future Ready

Starter Kit WHY + HOW to begin living the life you want + being the person you want to be

Curriculum & Grade Level: Future Ready, 8th Grade


In this activity, students will engage in a reflective activity centered around their Find Your Grind Lifestyle results. The activity will involve individual reflection, small group discussions, and whole-class sharing.

By exploring their top three Lifestyle Results, students will gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, preferences, and values. These results inform much of the Find Your Grind curriculum and reflection at this point will strengthen that connection. The group discussions will foster collaboration and critical thinking as students compare and contrast their results with their peers. This activity will ultimately help set the stage for the Future Ready curriculum.


  1. Introduction (5 minutes)

    1. Briefly review the concept of Lifestyle Results from the Find Your Grind assessment.

    2. Explain the purpose of today’s activity: to reflect on their results and discuss them with peers.

  2. Individual Reflection (5 minutes)

    1. Prompt students to consider the following questions:

      1. Do you agree with your top 3 Lifestyle Results? Why or why not?

      2. What surprised you about your results?

      3. If you’ve taken the assessment before, have your results changed? If so, how?

      4. What questions do you have about your results or what they mean?

    2. Encourage students to write down their thoughts.

  3. Small Group Discussion: Lifestyle Matches (15 minutes)

    1. Divide students into groups based on shared Lifestyle results. For example, group all the students who have a “Entrepreneur” result together and another group of all “Creators”.

      1. Your groupings will depend on the unique results of your class. Ideally, groups should be no larger than 4.

    2. Instruct students to share their top 3 Lifestyle Results with their group members.

    3. Facilitate discussion with the following prompts:

      1. Similarities: How is your similar Lifestyle reflected in your daily lives?

      2. Differences: How do your other Lifestyle results complement or contrast with your common result?

      3. Questions: What questions do you have about how your common Lifestyle result might influence your future?

  4. Small Group Discussion: Lifestyle Opposites (15 minutes)

    1. Reorganize students into groups where members have different Lifestyle results.

    2. Instruct students to share their top 3 Lifestyle Results with their new group members.

    3. Facilitate discussion with the following prompts:

      1. Differences: How are your primary Lifestyle Results different?

      2. Complementary Skills: How could your different strengths and weaknesses complement each other in a group project?

      3. Learning Opportunities: What can you learn from your group members' different perspectives and experiences?

  5. Whole Class Discussion (10 minutes)

    1. Bring the class back together.

    2. Facilitate a whole-class discussion, focusing on the following:

      1. Common Themes: Were there any common themes that emerged from the group discussions?

      2. Surprising Insights: Did anyone gain new insights about their own Lifestyle results or the Lifestyle results of others?

      3. Future Implications: How might understanding Lifestyle Results help students make informed decisions about their future careers and personal lives?

  6. Conclusion (5 minutes)

    1. Encourage students to continue exploring their Lifestyle results as they go through the Future Ready curriculum.

    2. Remind students that their Lifestyle results are just one tool to help them on their journey of self-discovery.

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