Lesson Title: Lesson 2: The Funnel Impact
Starter Kit WHY + HOW to begin living the life you want + being the person you want to be.
Curriculum & Grade Level: Future Ready, 8th Grade
Students will explore various career options that align with their lifestyle vision, values, and personal strengths, using the Find Your Grind Explore Library. Through a gallery walk, discussion, and reflection, students will gain insight into career paths that connect with who they are and the impact they wish to have.
Materials Needed:
Access to Find Your Grind Explore Library - Careers
Sticky notes and pens for student reflections
Chart paper or large posters for group reflections
Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction
Introduce the concept of a “Future with Purpose.” Explain to students that today’s activity is about exploring careers that align not just with skills but with personal values, strengths, and lifestyle. Discuss briefly how a fulfilling career is often one that connects with who they are and how they want to impact the world.
Teacher Talking Points:
"Instead of just choosing a job title, think about careers that connect with who you are, your strengths, and the impact you want to make."
"Today, we’re going to explore different roles and career paths to help you think about where you might feel inspired and connected."
2. Web Quest: Exploring Careers
Allow students to log into their Find Your Grind account and navigate to the Explore Library and click on “Careers”.
Activity Instructions:
Have students review the various career profiles. Encourage students to filter by Lifestyle, Salary, qualifications or industry.
As they explore, ask them to note down careers that resonate with them and make a list to explore
Reflection prompts: “How does this career align with my strengths or values?” “What impact could I make in this role?” “What excites me about this career?”
3. Small Group Discussion
After the web quest, divide students into small groups to discuss their findings and reactions.
Discussion Questions:
"Which careers stood out to you, and why?"
"What values or strengths did you see reflected in the careers that interested you?"
"How do you think these careers align with the lifestyle vision you have for yourself?"
Each group should record key points on paper to share with the class.
4. Class Reflection and Discussion
Reconvene as a class and invite each group to share highlights from their discussions.
Teacher-Led Discussion Questions:
"What patterns did you notice in the careers that stood out to you?"
"How do your values and strengths influence the types of careers you’re drawn to?"
"What did this exploration teach you about the possibilities available beyond traditional job titles?"
Encourage students to think about how a fulfilling career aligns with both their strengths and the lifestyle they envision.
Criteria | Excellent (4) | Proficient (3) | Developing (2) | Needs Improvement (1) |
Gallery Walk Participation | Actively engaged with multiple career profiles, leaving detailed, thoughtful comments that show deep connections to personal values and strengths. | Engaged with several career profiles, leaving relevant comments that reflect connection to personal values and strengths. | Explored some career profiles but comments lacked depth or personal connections. | Limited engagement with career profiles and minimal or off-topic comments. |
Group Discussion | Shared insightful reflections and made meaningful contributions to group conversation. Demonstrated active listening to peers’ ideas. | Contributed relevant reflections and engaged with peers’ ideas. | Participated minimally, with basic responses or limited interaction with peers. | Did not actively participate or contribute to the group discussion. |
Reflection Worksheet | Completed all prompts with detailed responses. Clearly connected careers to personal strengths, values, and vision for impact. Shows strong self-awareness. | Completed all prompts with relevant responses. Connected careers to personal strengths and values with some reflection. | Responses were brief or lacked clear connections between careers and personal values or strengths. | Incomplete responses; little to no connection between careers and personal values. |
Understanding of Career Alignment | Demonstrates a thorough understanding of how values and strengths align with fulfilling career choices. Shows thoughtful consideration of future impact. | Demonstrates a clear understanding of career alignment with values and strengths. Shows some consideration of future impact. | Shows limited understanding of career alignment; connections to values and strengths are unclear. | Shows little to no understanding of career alignment with values and strengths. |
Engagement and Effort | Fully engaged in all aspects of the activity with visible effort and enthusiasm. | Engaged with most of the activity, showing consistent effort. | Showed some engagement, but effort was inconsistent. | Minimal engagement or effort in the activity. |
Scoring Guide:
16-20 points: Outstanding understanding and engagement.
11-15 points: Proficient understanding with solid engagement.
6-10 points: Developing understanding, with some engagement.
0-5 points: Limited understanding or engagement.