Lesson Title: Lesson 3: Ask Why & Self Reflect
Starter Kit WHY + HOW to begin living the life you want + being the person you want to be.
Curriculum & Grade Level: Future Ready, 8th Grade
Materials & Resources: | Objective: |
| You will create a Curiosity Quest Journal where you will explore the power of asking "why" questions related to self-reflection. You will reflect on your personal experiences, conduct research based on your interests, and set meaningful goals. This activity encourages self-discovery and deeper understanding through curiosity-driven inquiry. |
Begin by reflecting on an aspect of yourself or your life that you are curious about. This could be a personal value, a goal you have, or a skill you want to improve. Write this topic in the space below.
Ask "Why" Questions
Next, write at least five "why" questions related to your self-reflection topic. For example, if your topic is "Confidence," your questions might include:
Why do I feel confident in some situations but not in others?
Why is it important for me to be confident?
Why do I sometimes doubt my abilities?
Why do I admire confident people?
Why do I want to improve my confidence?
Aim to make these questions open-ended to encourage deeper thinking.
Conduct Research
Choose one of your "why" questions to explore further. Write down what you already know about the topic, then brainstorm where you could find more information (books, articles, discussions with trusted adults or friends, etc.). Use this information to write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) answering your chosen question.
Personal Reflection (5 minutes)
Reflect on how the insights you've gained can relate to your own life. Write a brief reflection (3-4 sentences) on what you learned from your research and how it connects to your experiences, feelings, or aspirations.
Set a Meaningful Goal (5 minutes)
Based on your curiosity and what you've learned, set a meaningful goal related to your self-reflection topic. It could be to practice a new skill, work on building your confidence in specific situations, or share your insights with a friend. Write this goal down and ensure it’s specific and achievable.