Lesson Title: Lesson 4: Explore the Explore Library
Starter Kit WHY + HOW to begin living the life you want + being the person you want to be.
Curriculum & Grade Level: Future Ready, 8th Grade
Accessing the Library
Go to your Find Your Grind class
On the left-hand side of your screen, click on “Explore”
The blue bar at the top of the screen will take you to each section of the Explore Library.
Now, complete the scavenger hunt below!
Skill Badges
| How many Skill badges have you started? |
Skill Search
| How many badges come up in your results? |
Skill Scroll
| What skills help you in your favorite school subject/class? |
Technical Skills
Technical skills are specialized and performance-based. They are usually gained through some kind of training and perfected with practice.
| Which skills did you choose? Were you correct that they are “technical” skills? |