Are you looking for fun and easy activities to add to your Find Your Grind Implementation? Below are a few ideas that you can do with the Explore library.
Classwork Ideas
💡 Students search for 3 careers in the Career tab based on their lifestyles and complete the badges. Next, instruct them to create a poster of their favorite career and why.
💡Students search for a mentor in the Mentor tab (they can search by career title) and complete the badge. Students then write down and illustrate a meaningful quote from the mentor and share why it is meaningful to them.
💡Students choose 3 skills they'd like to improve from the Skills tab. Students complete the badges and write out a weekly plan of how they'll work on these skills every day.
💡 Students choose and complete a lifestyle badge from the Lifestyles tab. Afterward, students who chose the same lifestyle work in groups to list how this lifestyle might influence their future careers.
💡 After choosing and completing an Industry badge from the Industry tab, students write a personal pitch introducing themselves as they would during an interview with someone from the industry they learned about.