Find the 7th grade curriculum's lesson plans and offline activity materials here.
17 articles
Starter Kit
Find the unit's lesson plans, teacher-led activities, and student-led materials here.
Lesson 1: Lesson PlanLesson 1: Welcome to Future Proof
Lesson 1: Teacher-led ActivityLifestyle Reflection
Lesson 1: Student-led ActivityLook Towards the Future
Lesson 2: Lesson PlanLesson 2: The Funnel Refresh
Lesson 2: Teacher-led ActivityLifestyle Alignment Challenge
Lesson 2: Student-led ActivityStrength & Skills
Lesson 3: Lesson PlanLesson 3: The Power of Asking Why
Lesson 3: Teacher-led Activity (1)Curiosity in Action
Lesson 3: Teacher-led Activity (2)The "Why" in Personal Growth
Lesson 3: Student-led ActivityCuriosity Exploration Challenge
Lesson 4: Lesson PlanLesson 4: The Power of Self Reflection
Lesson 4: Teacher-led Activity (1)Hero’s Journey
Lesson 4: Teacher-led Activity (2)Mindset Workshop
Lesson 4: Student-led ActivityMy Growth Timeline
Lesson 5: Lesson PlanLesson 5: Explore the Explore Library
Lesson 5: Teacher-led ActivityExploring Career Titles
Lesson 5: Student-led ActivityCareer Quest